
Churchyard Group

Published 12 May 2016

The award winning churchyard group needs more members. If you have the time to spare on a Wednesday morning starting at 9.30, and can handle a mower, please consider joining.

40 MPH limit

Published 12 May 2016

Villagers will have noticed that forty mile an hour speed limits have been set up on the entrances to the village on the A515 and A513. The intention is that this will slow traffic before it gets to the 30 mph limit areas. The Parish Council would like to thank our County Councillor Martyn Tittley whose efforts made this possible. The Parish Council continues to make the case to County for a weight restriction on the A515 and is reminding transport companies who have agreed not to use the A515 & A513 to honour their commitments; it is our contention that there is no reason for heavy goods vehicles to use the A515, which is not fit for purpose, when the proper route of the A38 & A50 is available.