Neighbourhood Plan block contents


Neighbourhood Plan block contents

Published 16 August 2022

Our unverified Community Development Plan
To see the plan click this link


A few printed copies are available to read in the Village Hall. We have not printed one for each household as we do not have the money to do so. That money only becomes available once the plan has been verified. The plan has been ready for many months but there have been delays in higher authorities. The Chairman of the Parish Council explains this in the letter in the document.
It would help us if you could email us to say whether you either support the plan or not.

Also, below are the three main documents compiled by the Parish Council to date. These are draft documents approved by the Parish Council but still subject to further inspection by higher authorities.

The entire parish will have its final say in the form of a referendum when the document, in its final state, is agreed by all authorities.

If you have questions, in the first instance, please contact the Parish Clerk.